The Crocus Project
This year students from St. Aidan’s Comprehensive School as well and other students in schools across Ireland commemorated the Holocaust by taking part in the Crocus Project. Miss Brady’s history class, Rang Aoife planted yellow crocuses representative of the Star of David which the Jews were forced to wear during World War II. The Crocus Flower blooms around the end of January in time for the World Holocaust Memorial Day. Ms Corbett’s 5th year LCA class prepared and cleared an area in the school garden for the flowers which were then planted in a wooden box in the shape of the Star of David kindly made by Mr Gallagher and the woodwork department. The Holocaust is an important event to remember as it teaches our generation about having respect for other races and religions. During this tragedy 6 million people lost the lives. St. Aidan’s encourages you to remember the people who lost their lives on the Holocaust Day 2018.
By Ellen Mc Caul and Katie Foster (Rang Aoife)
The Holocaust by Michaela Sharpe (Rang Aoife)
In memory of the Holocaust
Thousands we lost
The smell of despair,
The smell of fear,
The emptiness in the air.
The sound of crackling fire,
The helpless crying,
The Heavy footsteps,
Screams of terror mixed with gunfire.
The dark and cold air,
Went hand in hand with then
Dark and cold soldiers’ souls.
In memory of the Holocaust
The skeleton of bodies and buildings
Bleakly tell the story of this atrocity.
I pause and I pray
And hope that this day
Will never be replayed.
By Ellen Mc Caul and Katie Foster (Rang Aoife)
The Holocaust by Michaela Sharpe (Rang Aoife)
In memory of the Holocaust
Thousands we lost
The smell of despair,
The smell of fear,
The emptiness in the air.
The sound of crackling fire,
The helpless crying,
The Heavy footsteps,
Screams of terror mixed with gunfire.
The dark and cold air,
Went hand in hand with then
Dark and cold soldiers’ souls.
In memory of the Holocaust
The skeleton of bodies and buildings
Bleakly tell the story of this atrocity.
I pause and I pray
And hope that this day
Will never be replayed.