Healthy Eating Week at St. Aidan’s
From the 15th -19th of January 2018 Healthy Eating Week took place in St. Aidan’s Comprehensive, which was spearheaded by the Home Economics teachers in the school. Throughout the week there were a variety of events taking place in the school to promote healthy eating.
On Monday, Charlene Brady from ‘Charlene’s Wholesome Pantry’ came to the school for a demonstration with 5th and 6th year Home Economics students. Charlene made energy balls using a variety of healthy ingredients. The students really enjoyed the demonstration. Some of the 5th year students were even roped in to help out during the demonstration!
On Tuesday, Yomega provided a very informative talk on the benefits of Vitamin D and Omega 3 to 3rd year Home Economics students. Yomega are a frozen yoghurt company with added omega 3 and vitamin D. The students also had a taste of the delicious frozen yoghurt. Needless to say it went down a treat.
On Wednesday, A5 students prepared and gave out healthy fresh fruit salad to staff and students.
On Thursday TY2 students prepared and served healthy fruit smoothies outside the canteen.
On Friday, 1st year Home Economics students enjoyed a talk from Nutrisnax. Alicia, who is a product developer with Nutrisnax, spoke to the students about the amount of sugar in food. The students were really engaged in the talk and enjoyed a tasty healthy snack which had no sugar at all!
Healthy Eating week was a huge success and the Home Economics teachers in the school, Ms. Cullen and Ms. Hetherton, would like to thank all staff and students who helped out during the week.
On Monday, Charlene Brady from ‘Charlene’s Wholesome Pantry’ came to the school for a demonstration with 5th and 6th year Home Economics students. Charlene made energy balls using a variety of healthy ingredients. The students really enjoyed the demonstration. Some of the 5th year students were even roped in to help out during the demonstration!
On Tuesday, Yomega provided a very informative talk on the benefits of Vitamin D and Omega 3 to 3rd year Home Economics students. Yomega are a frozen yoghurt company with added omega 3 and vitamin D. The students also had a taste of the delicious frozen yoghurt. Needless to say it went down a treat.
On Wednesday, A5 students prepared and gave out healthy fresh fruit salad to staff and students.
On Thursday TY2 students prepared and served healthy fruit smoothies outside the canteen.
On Friday, 1st year Home Economics students enjoyed a talk from Nutrisnax. Alicia, who is a product developer with Nutrisnax, spoke to the students about the amount of sugar in food. The students were really engaged in the talk and enjoyed a tasty healthy snack which had no sugar at all!
Healthy Eating week was a huge success and the Home Economics teachers in the school, Ms. Cullen and Ms. Hetherton, would like to thank all staff and students who helped out during the week.